Welcome! Please complete this form to submit a request and we will respond as soon as possible.

If you are a California or Texas resident and wish to exercise the rights provided to you by your state’s privacy law in connection with your personal data, please complete this Data Privacy Request Form. The US Foods Data Privacy Compliance Team will review and respond as soon as possible. If you are NOT a resident of California or Texas, please refer to the US Foods Privacy Policy, as your rights may vary. For all other matters and inquiries, please use the CONTACT US link at the bottom of any web page. Thank you.

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This field is required.
This value is invalid.
The phone field is required.
The phone length must be 10.
The address field is required.
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The city field is required.
This value is invalid.
The zip code field is required.

If you are trying to correct your personal information, please describe the specifics of your request here (e.g., what needs to be corrected, and why is it incorrect).

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This field is required.
This value is invalid.

By submitting this form, I certify that the person to whom this request relates is a California or Texas resident and that the information I have provided is complete, accurate, and up to date. I further certify that (a) I am the person who is the subject of the request or (b) I am authorized by the relevant person to submit this request on his/her behalf. I understand that it may be necessary for me to submit further information in order to verify this request and that my request will not be complete until all required information has been submitted.
